
Friday, March 12

Besok kita dah mula cuti kan, mesti nanti aku rindu kau.

Peribahasa of the day : Dengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan.

Why is there suddenly a peribahasa? There's something that I can relate to the peribahasa. I'll tell about it later.

P/S : While I'm writing this post, I am STILL wearing my school uniform.

I just love how today flows. It began with suspense, followed by hurried, then luck but ended up like a fairytale. Almost fairytale actually. Like any other school day, it was cramping with homeworks and chores etc. But say no more marker pens, whiteboards or teachers for nine days. Ooh, our teacher are sneaky and nice. They cannot stop giving. Wait, they cannot stop giving us homework. So the word nice, needed to be reconsider.

How can I forgets to scream this word out loud? Happy-o Holidays. But hey, you! Happy LOL-idays. Boo!

Lots of things coming ahead, besides the homework of course. Movies, novels, sleepovers and perhaps, guitar? Haha, I'm literally screaming right now. (Actually, she is not. Her expression is blank but she's trying to 'klentong' other people) Now, back to the future. No sorry, today.

I had a long heart-to-heart talk with Amira. Then everything went upside down. I asked for her help to help me to forget him. She said NO! I was like "why?". Then she starts a calculation. She estimate that 60% of me wanted to say yes and the rest is no. Then it changed to 65% and bla... bla... bla.. Amira, you're not helping. You just make things worst.

I stay a oh-so-called little late at school. I send a little note to Izyan ; "Balik ni jom beli ice-blended." I know, I haven't spend some quality time with her lately. To my surprised, she wait for me. Not really that surprised lah. Then we walk and chit chat and walk some more and ah, the "back gate". Did you remember about the previous incident? Today, it's a bit different. As I was walking with Izyan and Atiqah, we we're blocked. Suddenly, I cannot think of anything. Terus menggelabah. "Kenapa semua macam tengah block ni kan?" Thank you Afiq, akhirnya you gerak jugak an. I walk for about two steps than stop. There's a skinny twig that's about to hit me right on the face. Hah! And here comes my habit ; making faces. Weird faces. And he laughed. *Grr*

Then, we got our ice-blended and make a long round turn back to school's front gate. Met Amira who was left, by her van again. We we're like a non-stop talking machine. And oh Izyan, I'm touched, again :) It is another 'the' day. I just wish it could last longer.

Yeah, I've watched the Eclipse trailer and I'm craving for more. I'm turning jelly-like. Too bad, the new Victoria's hair is we-ee-ird. *shivers*

My parents are about to take Rayyann home tonight. Hip hip, HOORAY!

Yeah, we were sitting and talking and talking and sharing. But bigger.

You're amazing. Enough said,

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